A Year in Review: The Best of 2021

A Year in Review: The Best of 2021
Our approach, our design style, and our helpful home tips are what sets Nest with the Nelsons apart from other interior design firms. We care about our clients deeply, and treat them just as they are – members of our family, and close to us just like friends.

Read up on the most read and click-worthy stories of 2021. You won’t want to miss these design tips as we head into 2022. And, if you’re loving what you’re reading, be sure to share it with family and friends. Your referrals are our best assets.

Bring it on, 2022

Bring it on, 2022!
This year is going to be it, right? The year you finally accomplish what you have been meaning to for the last few years. One can only hope–sure–but one can also start planning ahead. There’s no greater time to start working on your goals than right now. There’s no need to panic, though, this is where the fun begins. For those a little worried about the New Year and the list of things to do, we’re here to help. Here are a couple tried and true tips on how to start out the New Year in a way that works just for you. 

These are a few of our favorite things: 2021 Home Edition

These are a Few of our Favorite Things: 2021 Home Edition
With Christmas just 5 days away, we’d like to share our favorite things around the house from 2021. After a whirlwind of a year, it's always fun to look back at the trends we followed, the ones we avoided, and the ones we cannot wait to carry with us into the new year! And for those in need of some inspiration for 2022, you may just find what you’re looking for.

Handpicked Holiday Table Decor Must-Haves

Handpicked Holiday Table Decor Must-Haves
It’s official: the holiday season has begun! The menu has been set, but what about the table? While this is meant to be a time of relaxation and quality time with the family, it often ends up being one big stress-fest. No need to fret, though, there are ways around this chaotic time that allows you to enjoy the process and avoid the stress.

I’m here to show you the best way to decorate your home for Turkey Day. There’s nothing quite like pairing a fantastic dinner with decoration that everyone will appreciate. This can be overwhelming, though, and I get that. The kids are running around, football is probably way too loud, and the mashed potatoes are just a tad bit too runny. Been there, done that.


Ready or Not

Ready or Not, Daylight Savings in Coming
Whether we are ready or not, winter is coming. Sunday, November 7th, marks the day we “fall back” an hour, where the sun slips away early, taking our precious evening light with it. Our bodies have a system called the Circadian Rhythm, which works to regulate when our bodies are awake, and when it is time for sleep, all based on the lighting in our environment. This affects our mental state, our productivity, our sleep cycle and so much more. So, it’s important, but seems to struggle more in the winter with our limited daylight hours.

Our days don’t end at 5 PM when the sun decides to head out, so the next step is working with daylight savings, instead of against it. Just because it is dark and gloomy and cold outside, doesn’t mean your home has to be the same!
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