The Secret to Selecting the Perfect Curtains
Let’s be honest--shopping for curtains can be a PAIN with a capital “P!” You’ve got to worry about the color, pattern, style, and light or darkening power for your space. Not to mention, you also need to choose the right size. Choosing just the right set can really be a challenge.
It’s a bit of an art to find just the right combo of style, function, and size for your space, really. And, each room of your home comes with its own personalized needs.
So, grab a beverage, cozy up, and let’s get to work to find the perfect curtains for your home!
Staging for the Holidays
75 days. We are only 75 days out from Christmas!! Can you believe it? Where in the world has 2021 gone? I know many of you can relate. And, you know if Christmas is only 75 days away, Thanksgiving will be here before we know it.
With these wonderful seasons ahead, we have so much to look forward to. The joy, the time with family, the delicious meals, and plenty of time to celebrate. But often times these seasons come with plenty of stressors, too. Too much to do, and too little time. Preparing meals, cleaning … all the cleaning. Gift buying. Deadlines, and wrapping up end of year projects. Not to mention hosting family and friends.