How to Help Save the Dollars on Your Bills

How to Help Save the Dollars on Your Bills
Crafted By: FATJOE Publishing Team

When it comes to saving money around the home, there’s no better focus than on your bills. No one wants to be spending all of their income on household bills but it can often happen when you don’t have a budget plan or it’s been a while since you’ve shopped around for new deals.

If you’re finding that all of your money is going on your bills each month, leaving you with very little at the end, then here are some tips to help save the dollars on your bills and hopefully live more comfortably each month.

A Few of our Favorites from the Week

A Few of our Favorites from the Week
By: Megan Nelson, Owner + Designer, Nest with the Nelsons

This week on the blog, we’re keeping things fresh, simple, and quick! We’re sharing just a few of our favorite things that help our home run more efficiently -- all while working on a budget. In fact, some of these home essentials that top our list will even help you save some coin. So dive into our favorites, and be sure to add a few of these to your cart. Come on, we know the Amazon truck is stopping by your house anyway. Just add these to your next delivery. Happy shopping!


How to Survive Working from Home Without Losing Your Mind

Working from home has so many perks! The flexibility is amazing, you can essentially set your own hours, and you can throw in a load of laundry (and maybe even exercise) while you’re in another Zoom meeting.
But this new working from home gig can also be dangerous, and a pitfall to your work-life balance.
What is this work-life balance you speak of?
I know, right?! It has been nearly impossible (for me, at least!) to strike a work-life balance while working full-time from home, running a business, keeping the house afloat, and the kids entertained. It is A LOT to juggle.
And, I’ve got to be honest, I’m used to having a ton of irons in the fire. This working from home full-time thing has definitely thrown me for a loop.
But, since March 2020, I have learned a fair deal of tips and tricks to make things a bit smoother and more efficient for every member of our family.
Catch my top 3 tips for maximizing your work time while at home, striking a good balance with the kiddos by your side, and not totally losing your mind.
Ready to dive in?! Here we go!
1. Plan Things Out … The Night BEFORE
This trick works for me time and time again. Plan out your day, and prep as much as you can the night before to maximize your workday. Lay out your clothes for the day, and the kids’ clothes, too. Pack any lunches or plan out meals ahead of time, if possible. Set your coffee mug out, and your workout stuff, too. Get your workstation all set the night before, too. Any little tasks that you may dread first-thing in the morning, take care of those. Your morning and your productivity will thank you!
2. Block Your Time
This is another tip you can do the night before, or the week before, if you’re feeling ambitious. Block your time so you know exactly what needs to happen each hour you’re awake. Notice I say each hour you’re awake there … not only the hours you’re planning to work. Map it all out—taking the kids to school, your virtual meetings, exercise time, lunch—all of it! This will give you a realistic picture of how much time you actually have to work with.
3. Stay Positive
Now this may be easier said than done. I get it! When it’s 9:00 AM, you’ve been up for 3 hours, and you’ve gotten NOTHING done on your to do list. However, a bad attitude is not going to serve you. Put those positive pants on, re-fill your coffee, and pump some essential oils into your workspace. Your mindset and your long list of work to-dos will thank you. And, you’ll feel better, too!

What tips are you using these days to survive your work from home time? I can’t wait to hear from you!

Love, Joy + Oils Always,
Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder
Oil Up Omaha
Member ID: 10489847

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A Christmas Unlike Any Other Made Easy

A Christmas Unlike Any Other Made Easy

Christmas 2020 will surely be like any other. Just like the rest of this year.


As many are ready to give the boot to 2020, we still have some very important aspects of the year ahead: Advent, Christmas, and reflecting on this past year as we wait for the New Year ahead.


Under normal circumstances, this time of year can be hectic. Year-end projects coming to a close, shopping, hosting, and simply not enough time to get it all done. Add 2020 chaos to the mix, and it’s a surefire storm of stress, angst, and potential meltdowns.


Make things easy on yourself, and check out this guide to the holidays.


In the guide, I mention a few time-saving, money-saving, and sanity-saving hacks that I think will be super helpful for your holidays ahead.


Cut out the stress. Cut out the chaos. Press the easy button. I’m here to help!


Read the guide now to open the doors to a peaceful, enjoyable holiday season ahead.


Promise—you won’t regret it!


Instead of getting wrapped up (HAH—get it? Wrapped up! I’m always up for a good pun!) in the hectic nature of the holidays, I challenge you today and especially in the month ahead, to focus on what really matters. Our family, our friends, and showing gratitude to one another for the many blessings we share.


It can be a hard season for many, but with the right mindset, a little planning, and some easy holiday hacks—you’ll be all set!


Enjoy the holiday guide.


As always, I’m here to help make your life easier while living on a budget. Reply to this note—I’d be happy to organize a holiday gift life specific to your budget.


Wishing you a happy + healthy holiday season ahead!

Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder

Member ID: 10489847


P.S. Be sure to treat yourself and your loved ones to this most wanted gift that’s 50% off now on my oily boutique. It’s seriously a killer deal!!


P.P.S. Ready to learn more? Pop in my Facebook Community today! 

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