How to Help Save the Dollars on Your Bills
Crafted By: FATJOE Publishing Team
When it comes to saving money around the home, there’s no better focus than on your bills. No one wants to be spending all of their income on household bills but it can often happen when you don’t have a budget plan or it’s been a while since you’ve shopped around for new deals.
If you’re finding that all of your money is going on your bills each month, leaving you with very little at the end, then here are some tips to help save the dollars on your bills and hopefully live more comfortably each month.
The Psychology of Interior Design
There’s more to that paint color and that patterned pillow than meets the eye. Your brain is majorly at work here, too!
We’ve discussed Feng Shui and how much it can affect your mindset at home. Now we want to talk about the psychology of colors, textures, patterns, and even smaller décor like live plants versus fake plants. When you understand how you react to certain colors, the design process becomes that much easier to navigate. Everyone is different, so this isn’t a one size fits all mold. Our goal is to make you aware of how you can use certain colors to create a living space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. If you’re going to spend your hard-earned money, you might as well reap the rewards.
Is it an Office, a Guest Room, or a Workout Room--Oh My!
OK friends, it’s time to make the most of your money and your space. Let’s say there’s a room in the house that you have multiple ideas for: an office, a guest room, a workout room, you name it. While you’d love to just finally make the call, you’re ultimately worried about making the wrong decision. You’d love a workout room, but what if you’d use an office more? And after spending all that money, there’s no time for wrong decisions.
5 Steps to Feng Shui Your Home
We’ve all been there: the room could be the cleanest it’s ever been, but something is still off. You love your furniture, you hand picked the décor, but there’s something not quite clicking. It’s a frustrating process trying to figure out what you could do to make the room better. Hint: buying more throw pillows will not solve this problem, trust me. So, introducing Feng Shui, the Chinese art of moving objects into a space that will create the most balance within the room.
Fall in Love with your Home Again
Love is in the air … but so are those pesky design dilemmas! Nest with the Nelsons believes you should absolutely LOVE the home you’re in. So, enjoy just a few of our best tips to ditch those design dilemmas, and cozy up with your Valentine in a space that’s truly yours. ENJOY!