THIS IS IT! Book Now
We hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas, and are gearing up for a wonderful New Year!! To kick things off with a bang, we would like to offer ONE MORE DAY to book your project in the New Year at THIS YEAR's current rate. We know you work hard for your money. Stretch your hard-earned cash farther when you book your project for 2025 before the clock strikes MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!!!
Happy New Year!!
Read more...Cityscapes and Fresh Starts | Redefining Yourself in a New Locale
By: Camille Johnson,
Relocating to a new city offers a blend of excitement and challenges, providing a pivotal moment for personal transformation after a period of difficulty. It's a chance to leave behind past struggles and start anew, offering a clean slate for personal and professional reinvention. This fresh beginning is an ideal opportunity to explore new interests and craft a life that's more aligned with your aspirations and desires. Embrace the potential to shape a rewarding future as you settle into your new environment.
This Week is Unlike Any Other All Year
This week is the best time to buy a home all year.
Yep, you read that correctly. September 25 through October 1 is the best time for a home buyer to take the leap and make a home purchase this year according to financial experts. According to a recent article by, there is more inventory than at other points throughout the year, demand is lower, and home buyers could even save about $20,000 with all of these factors in the works. Read on to learn more, and get our trusted source for all our home purchase lending needs!
Settling Into Your New Home After Retirement
Retirement is all about living the easy life, but if you’ve just gone through a move then your day-to-day is anything but relaxing. From having no internet access to living out of boxes, it will take some work for your new house to feel like home.
Happily, you don't have to feel unsettled for long. If you approach finding your footing as a step-by-step process, you’ll quickly make progress toward turning your new digs into a comfortable and happy place in which to spend your leisure years. Nest with the Nelsons details how you can start.

Bring it on, 2022!
This year is going to be it, right? The year you finally accomplish what you have been meaning to for the last few years. One can only hope–sure–but one can also start planning ahead. There’s no greater time to start working on your goals than right now. There’s no need to panic, though, this is where the fun begins. For those a little worried about the New Year and the list of things to do, we’re here to help. Here are a couple tried and true tips on how to start out the New Year in a way that works just for you.