Let's Design, Omaha!

Let's Design, Omaha!
This may be a surprise, but we have a super shocking design secret to share with you. Can you keep a secret? We sure hope NOT! This is something to share with others, and exactly how we serve our interior design clients locally, statewide, and beyond. Are you ready for it? Let’s design, Omaha!

It’s official: The cat is out of the bag, and we have GOT to share this close to the chest kept secret with you. Can you handle it?! Here it goes …

The most expensive furniture, countertops, flooring, and decor are NOT required to have a totally stunning home!

Struggle to Get the Workday-From-Home Started? Consider This

Struggling to Get the Workday-From-Home Started? 
Consider This
Working from home sounds like a massive improvement over a commute, and for some it really is. There’s also no need to dress up professionally each morning (aside from putting on a shirt for video calls), and no one watching over your shoulder either. But of course, getting started can feel like the hardest part, as too much freedom can be a bad thing, especially if you set your own hours. If you were pretty functional in the natural structure of an office, maybe you’ve found a home day can stretch ahead with no clear beginning.

Wondering How to Love your Home Again? Here's How
Book your totally free consultation today with your go-to Omaha Interior Designer. At Nest with the Nelsons, we would love to help you see your home in a totally new light. Floor planning, space usage, color palettes, refreshed materials, and everything in between -- we've got you covered. Talk with you soon! Who knows, maybe we’ll talk later today?!


The 10 Most Important Jobs to Tackle Around the Home

Top 10 Most Important Jobs to Tackle Around the Home
If there’s one thing that is very true about owning a home, it’s that your work around the house is never done! In order to keep your home looking great, it can take a lot of planning and coordination. When you work full-time, have a family, a busy social life, and a range of other commitments, this can seem overwhelming at times. However, there are ways to make it a lot more manageable. In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at what you can do to make that happen by focusing on the most important jobs for you to prioritize.

Inside or Out, Nest with the Nelsons Can Help!
Book your totally free consultation today with your go-to Omaha Interior Designer. At Nest with the Nelsons, we would love to help you see your home in a totally new light. Floor planning, space usage, color palettes, refreshed materials, and everything in between -- we've got you covered. Talk with you soon! Who knows, maybe we’ll talk later today?!

How to Accessorize Like a PRO to Round Out 2024

How to Accessorize Like a PRO in 2024
Article Crafted by: Alicia Iglesias Hall, Strategic Communications Intern, Nest with the Nelsons

It brings depth and vibrance to an otherwise bare space! Learning to stylize your home is a skill that can prepare you for each season's greeting, social gatherings, and renovation of your next new home! Personal flair through accessorizing should be beautiful and comforting! Find a home worth celebrating with design knowledge that brings endless possibilities of beauty to your daily life! With each new accessory, a new life awaits. Bring more visual appeal and functionality to your home, and learn to accessorize like a pro!

20-Minute Home Updates To Do This Week

20-Minute Home Updates To Do This Week
By: Megan Nelson, Owner + Designer, Nest with the Nelsons

I don’t know about you … but this point of the summer is always busy and exhausting for us. There's so much left to do that we’d like to squeeze into the summer, all while preparing for the hectic schedule of back to school just waiting in the wings. There’s a constant pull between wanting to slow down and enjoy, take a beat. But, the to do list is out of control as we prep for back-to-school chaos. So, this week’s blog is a quick and easy read with some 20 minute or less home hacks to make your home feel refreshed without spending much time or money. Cheers to so much coffee and a tired mom's approach to slowing down by enjoying delicious coffee and some sunshine today. ☀️
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