Feng Shui: Your Guide to Live By
By: Alicia Hall, intern, Nest with the Nelsons
Feng Shui is a commonly practiced way of living through interior arrangement. It is rooted in Chinese culture and focuses on how your environment can enhance your well-being. Encouraging the flow of good Chi in your home interior provides a healthy way of living by restoring your mind and body. Stick around to learn the basics of how you can practice the philosophy of Feng Shui to improve the flow of energy in your home!

5 Steps to Feng Shui Your Home
We’ve all been there: the room could be the cleanest it’s ever been, but something is still off. You love your furniture, you hand picked the décor, but there’s something not quite clicking. It’s a frustrating process trying to figure out what you could do to make the room better. Hint: buying more throw pillows will not solve this problem, trust me. So, introducing Feng Shui, the Chinese art of moving objects into a space that will create the most balance within the room.