Our Process Explained in 5 Simple Steps

Our Process Explained in 5 Simple Steps
In a nutshell … Nest with the Nelsons provides accessible luxury interior design to hard-working professionals through a personalized, full-service, virtual approach.

Ready to dive in? We've got you covered! Follow these quick steps + we'll be all set to transform your home.

Flag this: The Perfect Decor for July 4th

Flag this: The Perfect Decor for July 4th
Summer has officially arrived, and so has the holiday hosting season. Get all the tips you need to celebrate Fourth of July this year, because baby, you're a firework!

Settling Into Your New Home After Retirement

Settling Into Your New Home After Retirement
Retirement is all about living the easy life, but if you’ve just gone through a move then your day-to-day is anything but relaxing. From having no internet access to living out of boxes, it will take some work for your new house to feel like home.

Happily, you don't have to feel unsettled for long. If you approach finding your footing as a step-by-step process, you’ll quickly make progress toward turning your new digs into a comfortable and happy place in which to spend your leisure years. Nest with the Nelsons details how you can start.


5 Steps to Feng Shui Your Home

5 Steps to Feng Shui Your Home
We’ve all been there: the room could be the cleanest it’s ever been, but something is still off. You love your furniture, you hand picked the décor, but there’s something not quite clicking. It’s a frustrating process trying to figure out what you could do to make the room better. Hint: buying more throw pillows will not solve this problem, trust me. So, introducing Feng Shui, the Chinese art of moving objects into a space that will create the most balance within the room.

Furnishing Your Rental Property: A Guide for Landlords

Furnishing Your Rental Property: A Guide for Landlords
Furnished rentals net 15% to 20% higher rents than unfurnished properties. Furnishing your rental property also opens the door to short-term and month-to-month rentals that increase rental income even further. Yet as a landlord, furnishing your rental property is intimidating. What type of décor appeals to renters and how can you avoid excessive wear and tear on rental furnishings? From Nest with the Nelsons, here’s what to know before furnishing your rental property.
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