10 Easy Steps to Make Your Fridge Sparkle
By: Leigh Dunn, Founder + CEO of Honeydew Handled, LLC
This week on the blog we’re honoring your New Year’s goals to keep a clean and tidy home. Who better to help keep us in check and organized as we head into 2024 then organizing guru, Leigh Dunn of Honeydew Handled?! We love working with Leigh, and are so excited to share these tips catered just for you, your hectic home, and your busy life – all while cleaning out and organizing a fridge worthy of The Home Edit. Roll up your sleeves and dive in – you’ve got some work to do, and a beautiful, organized fridge to tackle!
How to Organize Your Kitchen Pantry
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
Are you constantly coming back to a tornado of kitchen essentials? If so, it’s time to treat yourself to an organized array of pantry items! There’s nothing better than enjoying a day with organized stock. If you’re hungry, you shouldn’t have to hangrily dig for necessities to later realize you can’t find your favorite snack. You deserve to cook with all your favorite items in a heartbeat! Whether it's a sweet jar of pickles or ingredients that make a sweet and savory treat, this article will help you sort out your favorite goodies in no time. Stick around to learn helpful tips to organize your pantry from the process of discarding items, keeping essentials easily-accessible, to advice for an aesthetically beautiful kitchen!
How to Keep your Kitchen Squeaky Clean, Once + For All
Out of all the rooms in the house, there’s nothing quite like waking up to a clean kitchen. It’s a motivating sight and holds the key to all our hearts: the coffee machine. While that’s a dreamy scene to picture in our minds, the reality is that the kitchen has quite the upkeep. As it should! Memories in the kitchen with your family are like no other, which is why it deserves so much love. Sometimes, though, cleaning the kitchen sounds like a prison sentence, so we want to share some tips that can cure this procrastination, and allow you to get a kickstart on your spring cleaning!