Prep the night before
This is a game-changer! Set your clothes out for the next day. Pack your lunch, pack your bags, and set out anything you need to have your morning go smoothly. This will save time and your sanity—promise!
Make a to do list
If we don’t know what we’re reaching for, how can we possibly achieve it? Write out a to do list for your day or your week—whatever works best for you. I love unloading EVERYTHING that’s been racing through my mind as a busy mom, wife, and entrepreneur, on a piece of paper on Sunday evening or early Monday morning. I do this each week to reduce my stress, have things written down so they’re out of my head, and then organize that list into priorities that need to get done each day of the week.
Get up earlier
I’m not going to beat around the bush on this one. It can be tough to wake up earlier if you’re not a morning person, but even 15-20 minutes can make a world of difference for your day. I love waking up 30-45 minutes before the rest of my household wakes up. It allows me to ease into my mornings and helps me feel like I’m starting the day off mindfully vs. as a scatter-brained, hurry mess!
Simplify your morning
Keep it simple! No need to put on your full glam makeup if you’ll just be hanging around the house.
Dry shampoo + baby wipes are your friend
After becoming a mom, dry shampoo and baby wipes literally became two of my best friends. I use dry shampoo nearly every day because I have to let you in on a little secret—I don’t shower everyday. Baby wipes are also super great to have in your bag, in the car, or at the office when you need a little refresh. Here’s my favorite baby wipe brand that leaves me feeling super refreshed, and smelling great!
Love these time-saving tips? There’s more of where that came from! More time-saving hacks are coming your way in a future blog post.
Wishing you health, wealth, + abundance always!
Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder, Oil Up Omaha
Member ID: 10489847
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