Creating a Stress-Free Home in 4 Easy Steps
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
When you need life demands to be put on pause, a stress-free home can be your saving grace. Maintaining a balance of calm and productivity to your daily routine will give you the chance to rise to any occasion. It all starts with your environment! Your home should be as comfortable as a faux fur rug and a silk sheet with a thread count of over 1,000. So, what are you waiting for? Everyone deserves a space to decompress and simply live in! The perfect stress-free home will help you recharge for upcoming events and give you an escape when it’s time to rest. With a little bit of self-care, you can achieve the comfort of dreams when asleep. Treat your home like a faraway getaway, so you know exactly what to look for the next time you book your dream destination!

Is it an Office, a Guest Room, or a Workout Room--Oh My!
OK friends, it’s time to make the most of your money and your space. Let’s say there’s a room in the house that you have multiple ideas for: an office, a guest room, a workout room, you name it. While you’d love to just finally make the call, you’re ultimately worried about making the wrong decision. You’d love a workout room, but what if you’d use an office more? And after spending all that money, there’s no time for wrong decisions.
Hello, Closet Renovation
Just for a second, let’s imagine your dream closet. What does it look like? What does it feel like as you walk in? A dream, right? It’s time to make that dream a reality. We all know the closet is no small feat. This project requires time and patience, but once it is completed, you truly reap the rewards! The ability to walk into your closet and not be consumed by stress is at the top of all our lists. The best way to redo your closet is to clean it. To organize what you have; you must at least know what you have. Just a warning – that sweater that you’re keeping around “just in case,” may see the end of its road.
5 Steps to Feng Shui Your Home
We’ve all been there: the room could be the cleanest it’s ever been, but something is still off. You love your furniture, you hand picked the décor, but there’s something not quite clicking. It’s a frustrating process trying to figure out what you could do to make the room better. Hint: buying more throw pillows will not solve this problem, trust me. So, introducing Feng Shui, the Chinese art of moving objects into a space that will create the most balance within the room.
This Just In: 2022 Design Trends
Can you believe we are already talking about Spring? Anything to get the cold weather off our minds! We picked some forecasted trends to spotlight, along with some tips you can carry with you.
Enjoy the read!