Love your Home Again: Fall Edition
It’s a well-known fact that throughout the process of design, it is guaranteed that you’ll hit some speed bumps along the way that require a few (hundred) deep breaths. While frustrating, these dilemmas are what inevitably bring us closer to our final product! All it takes is some creative planning, patience, and the determination to complete a room you enjoy instead of settling for something less.
Take a peek at a few of our best tips to freshen up your space this fall and truly love your home again. Oh, and be sure to read to the very end of this blog. ***There’s a special announcement for 2023 you won’t want to miss!
Grab your chunky throw blanket, your favorite hot latte, and cozy up for a great read. Sip, sip, and enjoy!

The Secret to Selecting the Perfect Curtains
Let’s be honest--shopping for curtains can be a PAIN with a capital “P!” You’ve got to worry about the color, pattern, style, and light or darkening power for your space. Not to mention, you also need to choose the right size. Choosing just the right set can really be a challenge.
It’s a bit of an art to find just the right combo of style, function, and size for your space, really. And, each room of your home comes with its own personalized needs.
So, grab a beverage, cozy up, and let’s get to work to find the perfect curtains for your home!