Prep the night before
This is a game-changer! Set your clothes out for the next day. Pack your lunch, pack your bags, and set out anything you need to have your morning go smoothly. This will save time and your sanity—promise!
Make a to do list
If we don’t know what we’re reaching for, how can we possibly achieve it? Write out a to do list for your day or your week—whatever works best for you. I love unloading EVERYTHING that’s been racing through my mind as a busy mom, wife, and entrepreneur, on a piece of paper on Sunday evening or early Monday morning. I do this each week to reduce my stress, have things written down so they’re out of my head, and then organize that list into priorities that need to get done each day of the week.
Get up earlier
I’m not going to beat around the bush on this one. It can be tough to wake up earlier if you’re not a morning person, but even 15-20 minutes can make a world of difference for your day. I love waking up 30-45 minutes before the rest of my household wakes up. It allows me to ease into my mornings and helps me feel like I’m starting the day off mindfully vs. as a scatter-brained, hurry mess!
Simplify your morning
Keep it simple! No need to put on your full glam makeup if you’ll just be hanging around the house.
Dry shampoo + baby wipes are your friend
After becoming a mom, dry shampoo and baby wipes literally became two of my best friends. I use dry shampoo nearly every day because I have to let you in on a little secret—I don’t shower everyday. Baby wipes are also super great to have in your bag, in the car, or at the office when you need a little refresh. Here’s my favorite baby wipe brand that leaves me feeling super refreshed, and smelling great!
Love these time-saving tips? There’s more of where that came from! More time-saving hacks are coming your way in a future blog post.
Wishing you health, wealth, + abundance always!
Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder, Oil Up Omaha
Member ID: 10489847
P.S. Ready to learn more? Pop in my Facebook Community today!
(Just fill out the questions for full access.)

But let’s be real. How are you really? Between orders to stay at home, managing work remotely, and likely doing both simultaneously while at home with kids, things are on a new level of HECTIC.
What level of chaos are you experiencing these days? Our home usually ranges between a 5-7, on a scale of 1, where we’re dreaming of lollipops and unicorns, to a 10 where we’re all breathing fire.
But, I’ve got to be honest, I’m not an average kind of girl, and I don’t love it when our family is mediocrely at a 5-7 on the chaos scale. I would much rather us strive to be at a 2 or a 3, where things are great, everything in the house is mostly in order, we’re almost always on time.
But, what if your family is way over that ideal range of chaos for you? There are some ways you can change it, and I’m here to help.
Here are my Six Best Tips for Living your BEST Life, like RIGHT NOW!!
Are you ready? Let's do it!
#1 Morning routine is key, you guys! You've got to have one. ☀️☀️☀️
#2 exercise. 💪 Whatever this looks like to you, hitting the gym or doing some light yoga, get it in!
#3 Read and grow! 📚 Whether you are reading a great book or listening to your favorite podcast, whatever it is, make time for it!
#4 Eat well. 🥗 We've got to nourish our bodies and fully hydrate our bodies for them to work optimally for us. Put the M&Ms down!
👉👉The last two tips to living your best life now are available in my health and wellness group here.
✅ Don't miss them! This is all you need to have the best day ever, and officially get that chaos at a manageable level TODAY!! 🎉🎉🎉

My faith has always been something I have fought for.
Even from a young age, my faith has been a cornerstone in my life that has helped me make difficult decisions, guided me through the good times + the bad, + shaped me into the person I am today—a strong + compassionate mama looking to make a mark on the world by helping people just like you choose better + live more healthy, vibrant, + fulfilling lives.
I'm thrilled to announce that a sweet friend of mine, Chelsea Bailey + I will be offering Heart Workshop, combining the power of essential oils + scripture.
Chelsea will be sharing her love + passion for Jesus + the scripture as she leads us through her 5-day Heart Workshop bible study. I’ll be pairing this goodness with tips of using essential oils to help you find a place of grounding + peace along the way.
Chelsea + I will be going live in my private Facebook group every morning the week of September 14-18 at 9:00 AM CST.
This workshop is free + open to anyone who desires to grow spiritually + learn about oils.
If this isn't for you, no worries!
We’re so looking forward to teaming up + offering this exclusive + totally free Heart Workshop for you. Feel free to invite friends, grab some coffee, + join us virtually September 14. I have a good feeling this is an event you simply can’t resist!
In case you need it once more, here’s the link to register.
We can’t wait to see you live in my private Facebook group September 14!
Love + Oils Always,

We’ve all been there, right? We woke up late, the kids are screaming, and we have 1 million things on our to-do list that we should have already completed. UGH! In my eyes, this is just about every mama’s daily routine. Amiright?
But I’ve got to be honest. This is no way to live … at least not live well. This is the epitome of the survival mode mama. I have been there too many times to count. But what if there was a different way …
What if we could wake up peacefully, on our own terms? What if we could have time to ease into the day while we sip a hot cup of coffee? What if we could get much of our to-do list accomplished before the kids even woke up? What if?
These single gal luxuries may seem like a thing of the past, but they can be yours again soon, mama! But only if you stop. Like right now—stop what you’re doing and press the easy button.
Follow these 3 easy steps to go from survival mess mode mama (I see you!) straight to the thriving abundantly mama. You’ve got this—just keep reading!
1. Press the easy button.
STOP running to every store on earth that is open right now to find toilet paper and all the other household necessities we need. Seriously--stop it!
So, what are you waiting for? Make the switch to healthy, natural, and effective products today. This is the secret to our family’s health, wellness, and happiness. You completely deserve this abundant lifestyle, too, mama.
Let’s connect! Let me help you go from survival mode mama to thriving abundantly today. You can do this, mama—and I’m here to help every step of the way!
I’d love to hear from you! Send me an email today.
Did you enjoy this article? You'll LOVE my guide: 20 Minutes to a Healthier, Happier YOU!

Anyone else struggling with our new daily routine? (All the stressed-out mamas homeschooling, working, and “attempting” to keep the house clean—please stand up!)
I’m not going to lie—I am on a struggle bus to nowhere with my kiddos these days. From the constant interaction, long and hectic days, and the endless amount of “no’s” I spew out from morning ‘til night—I am just WORN DOWN!
Don’t get me wrong—I love these little stinkers to the moon and back—but I am completely frazzled, and exhausted. NOT a good combo.
After taking some time to reflect on the positive aspects of our day, and to remember what we did BEFORE we went into lockdown mode, I came up with 4 super simple tips. Take it from me, these sweet little nuggets of gold WORK, and I know they can for you, too.
So relax, grab some coffee (or wine—I’m not judging!), and let’s dive in!
1. Give yourself GRACE
This is SO very important as a stay-at-home mama, but even more crucial now that we’re all cooped up together all day long, and still have mountains of to-dos (and laundry) piling up. Start your day out with grace. If you’re really struggling with this one, set sporadic reminders on your phone to alert you to take some time to pause, reflect, and be filled with gratitude for your health, wellness, and your family.
2. Allow extra time …
For literally everything. If you were once used to spending 10 minutes to tackle a task, plan for 20. Technology takes extra time, wrangling the kids, grabbing the 5,491 snack of the day, and constant interruptions take time. Plan for it—your day will go much more smoothly.
*Pro tip: If you’re in need of some extra support in managing your time throughout the day, try out time blocking. I especially love the Pomodoro method.
3. Stay healthy + well
Get some fresh air. Go outside for a walk. Stay hydrated. Take the kids outside to run around, kick the soccer ball, or fly a kite. Take frequent breaks to get some fresh air—you deserve it!
4. Implement MOMfulness
See what I did there? I’m talking about mindfulness. Maybe you feel best mentally after you have taken some time to pray, meditate, do yoga, or visualize your dream life. Whatever it is that refuels you and inspires a healthy mindset, take time each day to make it happen.
*Pro tip: Wake up just 30 minutes early each day to implement this new routine. This simple tip has completely revolutionized my morning and my entire life. Give it a try—it can do wonders for kickstarting your day!
I’d love to hear from you! How are you surviving during these unpredictable times?
Did you enjoy this article? You'll LOVE my guide: 20 Minutes to a Healthier, Happier YOU!