10 Things Every Home Needs

10 Things Every Home Needs
By: Megan Nelson, Co-Owner + Founder of Nest with the Nelsons

Hey there, and happy new week to you!

This week on the Nest with the Nelsons' Love your Home Again Blog, we are focusing on 10 things that every home needs to achieve an ultimate cozy and relaxing vibe. Does your home make up each of these items? This is a list you needed like yesterday, so let's dive right in!

1. A great pair of conversational chairs
Conversational chairs are a wonderful way to frame a bay window, or to create a really cozy nook in your home. You can also have a lot of fun with these chairs by bringing in a fun pattern or a pop of color. No need to go overboard, just two chairs will do.

2. Exceptional lighting
Some amazing, dramatic lighting is such a fun way to bring a new perspective to a space. The new lighting can come in the form of overhead lighting, great lamps, or even wall-mounted sconces. Speaking of lighting … a great set of table lamps or floor lamps is completely necessary to frame a space. Think of your living room couch or your bed flanked with amazing lights that make a statement. It's a super easy thing to achieve, and doesn't break the bank either. But the look is exception.

Sometimes lighting can be a hang up because it may require an electrician for installation. Lucky for you, Nest with a Nelsons has partnered with a really great electrician, Chris of CS Electric. Contact Chris for all of your lighting needs. He will hook you up … quite literally!

3. Rugs are a must!
Whether your home is filled with beautiful hardwood floor in or completely carpeted, rugs are your friend. Rugs can really make or break a space. Use rugs to help organize different areas of your home, such as a sitting area versus a dining room versus your family room. One of the biggest ways that people go wrong with rugs is not getting a large enough size for their space. Go big or go home here. He won't regret it!

4. Curtains, curtains, curtains
I know many of us think of the function of our homes. Curtains not only serve a purpose for the function of our home, but they also look completely breathtaking. A fun pattern, a soft texture, and layering curtains over blinds can be just what you need to achieve a space that you love. Oftentimes, it is that last 10 to 20% of extra touches that we need in our homes to really bring everything together for the ultimate cozy five. Curtains may be just what your room is missing. Curtains done right, and you will be ready to have them installed all over your home.

Do you have a tough to frame window, or you're just totally stumped with how to use curtains and drapery in your space? We have got an excellent solution for you. Go ahead and add Bobbi Jo Cheek of Gotcha Covered of West Omaha to your speed dial. She is fabulous to work with, and will help you solve any of your window treatment needs. Connect with her today!

5. Hello pillows
Adding in pillows on your couches and chairs can truly transform your space seasonally without having to switch out much else. If you're going for a warm and cozy vibe, adding some thicker canvas pillows might be just what you need. Add that in with some soft and fluffy or even frayed pillows in your color scheme for a more lux vibe. Want to swap things out for the holidays? Pillows are your friend there too. A great buffalo plaid check with some vibrant red and green might be all that you need to really bring a space home for the holidays this season.

6. We can't help but mention throws, too
We can't really mention pillows without throw blankets. Throws are an excellent way to soften up any hard lines that you may be experiencing in your home or in a certain room of the house. A simple throw over the side of your couch or off the corner of a bed can make all the difference to make your home achieve that beautiful and easy to achieve lived in lock without looking slouchy.

7. Personal touches
I love adding more subtle touches such as little trinkets that we have collected over the years as gifts or from travels. I certainly don't have a whole wall or a whole corner of our home devoted to this, but adding the small touches in with the every day is a really beautiful way to make your space feel more like home versus a model home. Framed children's art, and gallery walls of photos are wonderful ways to make your home feel more personal, as well. 

8. There can never be enough mirrors
I am head over heels for decorating with mirrors. They make spaces look larger, their beauty really elevates the space, and you can choose how you want to use them from hanging them on the wall to leaning them up against a wall to make a statement. I love their versatility, and always have so much fun with them. My rule of thumb for mirrors? If you don't have more than a couple mirrors in each space, you're doing it wrong. Get yourself some mirrors!

9. An organized system
You could have the most beautiful home on the block, but if it is a total wreck, no one--including you--will be able to experience the beauty of it. It is particularly important when you are living in a small space. We all benefit from being organized in a larger home, but if you are the owner of one of the many 2 bedroom apartments out there, space can be on the tight side so you need to find a good working system. Look at the layout and look at the home in terms of layers, not just floorspace! Get yourself a professional organizer stat! We just learned of the necessity of having our pantry organized and receiving a some help to create an organized system with zones. It has made all the difference. We are going a month strong with everything still in its place in our pantry, and it is absolutely amazing!

Connect with my girl, Bianca Zipse, of the Morning Project to get your pantry organized, your closet in shape, your garage overhauled, and any other organizing needs that you have. She is stellar!

10. A home professional {or a few!} you know and trust
Having home professionals you can turn to are an absolute must. Nest with the Nelsons is here to help you with all of your interior design needs and with any home project, large or small, obviously. But, we are also equipped with a great support system of home professionals who we know and trust in our home. We have a great lineup of experts who we truly believe in! Check out the list here.

Is there anyone else who you're looking for as a trusted partner to work with in your home? Send us a note. We would love to help you source a new home professional where you need it most.

Ready to refresh your home? We've got you covered.

Ready to book your personal interior designer friend?

Wishing you an absolutely fantastic week ahead!

On a mission to help you love your home again,
xoxo, Meg

Megan Nelson, Co-Owner + Founder
Nest with the Nelsons



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