6 Places You Should Declutter Daily

6 Places You Should Declutter Daily
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons 

Holding off until mess piles up can be physically demanding! Not only is it a drag when cleaning day comes along, but constantly being around mess is stressful. Cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress, can quickly rise when clutter accumulates. Decluttering daily is so important to maintain a stress-free lifestyle by restraining the chaos and keeping life in order. Remember, open, blank space is beautiful! It makes a space functional, organized, and aesthetically pleasing. Clearing smaller messes will make large differences because a mess that goes on for weeks will only become more daunting. Stick around to learn which spaces can reap big benefits from daily decluttering.


2021: The Year of Delayed Shipping + Backorders

2021: The Year of Delayed Shipping + Backorders
Who knew that 2020 would throw us for such an incredible curveball, and 2021 would be the year of delayed shipping and backorders?

Between lumber prices sky-rocketing to appliances, hot tubs, and other household commodities on hold for 6 months, plus, we’re experiencing quite a tumultuous time in the American economy.