Modern Home Decorating Ideas for Well-Loved Homes
Your living room should feel like the perfect place to kick back, relax, and enjoy your favorite pastimes! But with so many elements in design, sometimes the home decorating section of your local home goods store can be a bit overwhelming. That’s where this read comes in to bring cohesion to your personalized layout for your home decorating needs. From bolds to neutrals, we’ve got you covered. Enter the realm of all things cozy with a read that’ll bring a modern twist to your everyday living room experience!
Creating a Stress-Free Home in 4 Easy Steps
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
When you need life demands to be put on pause, a stress-free home can be your saving grace. Maintaining a balance of calm and productivity to your daily routine will give you the chance to rise to any occasion. It all starts with your environment! Your home should be as comfortable as a faux fur rug and a silk sheet with a thread count of over 1,000. So, what are you waiting for? Everyone deserves a space to decompress and simply live in! The perfect stress-free home will help you recharge for upcoming events and give you an escape when it’s time to rest. With a little bit of self-care, you can achieve the comfort of dreams when asleep. Treat your home like a faraway getaway, so you know exactly what to look for the next time you book your dream destination!

The Secret to Designing a Beautiful Nursery for You + Baby
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
Designing a comfortable nursery is the perfect way to introduce your little one into the world! A nursery is a space that you’ll be spending lots of time in, so having an ideal set-up for midnight feeding sessions to play-time can make all the difference when getting through a long day. Having a nursery that both you and your baby can enjoy will make the first steps to parenting much easier. This article will share tips on how you can design the most perfect nursery for your little one along the way! And, be sure to check out our nursery design mood board to get fully inspired for your newest arrival.
Living a Minimalist Lifestyle
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
It’s not uncommon that your physical space is an extension of how you operate in the real world. Living with minimalism in mind can give you the chance to live with less stress and help you focus on current tasks! Once you experience the life of a minimalist, you’ll have more time for yourself outside of your possessions. This article will give some reasons and tips to living minimally and might just make you fall in love with owning less!
Our Best Tips to Make your Home Holiday Hosting Ready
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
When you have a beautiful home, love hosting, and prioritize time and space for others that bring you joy, ideas to keep your place in topnotch shape are calling your name! Keeping your house ready for guests shouldn’t be a daunting task, so consider preparing for the days and tasks leading up to your next house party. Pre-preparation can call for smooth planning and a stress-free social event overall. If you prefer winging preparations the day of and rarely stress about it, that’s great! However, this article is for my folks who find it handy to have some pre-party planning tips, and are looking for hacks when hosting a social event for the first time!