Elevated, Kid-Friendly Spaces are a Reality
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern, Nest with the Nelsons
A comfortable space that’s designed well to keep your kids' fun in check, while balancing a beautiful aesthetic that you can enjoy is absolutely doable! All you need is an outline of how you can find practicality in the items you love most. A shared space that incorporates a kid-friendly and adult atmosphere should feel timeless, organized, and personal. A stylish, child-friendly space can be achieved with a few simple tricks involving the right materials to create a beautiful space for play and charm! Stick around to find your elevated, kid-friendly design.
Make Your Home Work Harder: Here's How
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern, Nest with the Nelsons
Make your day less of a task by making a space that functions for you! When you’re feeling overwhelmed, a home that makes your needs readily available can make life so much easier. Prioritizing self-care may not always be on your agenda, but simple home-care hacks can remove any unnecessary life stressors that get in the way of your mental state. An innovative and well thought-out space can be utilized as multi purpose areas, while organized storage can keep things in place. Cater to your needs by living through functionality. Keep reading if you’d like to learn ways to live smarter without working harder!
Feng Shui: Your Guide to Live By
By: Alicia Hall, intern, Nest with the Nelsons
Feng Shui is a commonly practiced way of living through interior arrangement. It is rooted in Chinese culture and focuses on how your environment can enhance your well-being. Encouraging the flow of good Chi in your home interior provides a healthy way of living by restoring your mind and body. Stick around to learn the basics of how you can practice the philosophy of Feng Shui to improve the flow of energy in your home!

Creating a Stress-Free Home in 4 Easy Steps
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
When you need life demands to be put on pause, a stress-free home can be your saving grace. Maintaining a balance of calm and productivity to your daily routine will give you the chance to rise to any occasion. It all starts with your environment! Your home should be as comfortable as a faux fur rug and a silk sheet with a thread count of over 1,000. So, what are you waiting for? Everyone deserves a space to decompress and simply live in! The perfect stress-free home will help you recharge for upcoming events and give you an escape when it’s time to rest. With a little bit of self-care, you can achieve the comfort of dreams when asleep. Treat your home like a faraway getaway, so you know exactly what to look for the next time you book your dream destination!