Welcoming Winter into Your Home for Seasonal Joy
Crated By: FATJOE Publishing Team
Welcoming winter into your home signals the end of autumn and the beginning of a new season. But it's nothing to shy away from. With winter comes the new year and the chance to begin anew. From lighting to soft seating, here are some tips to cosy up your home this year.
Christmas Home Tour at the Nelsons
By: Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder, Nest with the Nelsons
In the Nelson home, we LOVE Christmas! We’ve had a countdown to Christmas going for at least 365 days now, we start blasting Christmas music as soon as it’s considered appropriate – which I’m sure is earlier than most – and we absolutely love decking out our home for the season.
So, as such, we thought it was only fitting for this last blog post before the holiday to give you an inside peek into our Christmas shindigs. Cozy up, grab some hot cocoa, and blare “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” because you know that’s what’s happening over here!