Striking a Perfect Transitional Design
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern, Nest with the Nelsons
Are you dreaming of a homey and elegant interior full of ease and character? If so, read along as I share my most favorite interior design style with you! When I think of my dream look, I imagine an environment that provides depth and comfort. Effortless order with personality and subtle beauty! A twist on traditional and modern styles that adds depth seamlessly, giving charm to a relaxing environment. The attributes that call for these qualities lie within transitional design. The perfect transitional look celebrates natural light and classic lines with traditional wood furniture and antiques. This design style brings various elements that mix the classics with modern styled cohesion and sleekness. Modern components are enriched with traditional elements for a timeless appeal, while providing balance between a masculine and feminine look. If you’re on a mission for inspiration that values comfort and depth, this read is for you!
Creating a Stress-Free Home in 4 Easy Steps
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
When you need life demands to be put on pause, a stress-free home can be your saving grace. Maintaining a balance of calm and productivity to your daily routine will give you the chance to rise to any occasion. It all starts with your environment! Your home should be as comfortable as a faux fur rug and a silk sheet with a thread count of over 1,000. So, what are you waiting for? Everyone deserves a space to decompress and simply live in! The perfect stress-free home will help you recharge for upcoming events and give you an escape when it’s time to rest. With a little bit of self-care, you can achieve the comfort of dreams when asleep. Treat your home like a faraway getaway, so you know exactly what to look for the next time you book your dream destination!