Tidy Up: Home Edition
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
Tidying up a home can be an arduous task, especially when you wait until the last minute–phew! When you don’t know where to start, cleaning will feel like an inconvenience. Avoiding household upkeep can be frustrating when you're overwhelmed with how you’ll manage everything. This is a normal situation, especially when you’re dealing with other daily stressors.
BUT, if you’re looking for some decluttering hacks and want to stop dreading clean-up days, this is the article for you! There are ways to make cleaning feel simpler with some organizational methods to help you through the mess. This article will help you think of various ways to approach how you’ll declutter your space when you need order in times of stress. These decluttering hacks will not only help you through your tidying-up process, but will make you love your space even more – WIN, WIN!
Essentials to the Best Morning
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
A great morning always starts with self care. Having a morning routine that begins with calm, tenderness, and confidence will nourish your energy levels throughout the day. Imagine Beyonce, Lizzo, and Alicia Keys. They don’t just gain confidence with side character energy! They manifest strength, positivity, and compassion to get through life, whether that be through body positivity or perseverance through many life obstacles. These are all qualities to strive for, especially when life gets overwhelming, work becomes hectic, or unexpected events come our way.
Living a Minimalist Lifestyle
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
It’s not uncommon that your physical space is an extension of how you operate in the real world. Living with minimalism in mind can give you the chance to live with less stress and help you focus on current tasks! Once you experience the life of a minimalist, you’ll have more time for yourself outside of your possessions. This article will give some reasons and tips to living minimally and might just make you fall in love with owning less!
Year in Review: Good Bye, 2022
By: Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder, Nest with the Nelsons
Happy New Year!!
As we reflect on 2022, we wanted to say a HUGE “THANK YOU!” to all of our family, friends, and supporters. You all have been instrumental in our success, our growth, and what we love doing most – designing beautiful spaces for you to love!
Christmas Home Tour at the Nelsons
By: Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder, Nest with the Nelsons
In the Nelson home, we LOVE Christmas! We’ve had a countdown to Christmas going for at least 365 days now, we start blasting Christmas music as soon as it’s considered appropriate – which I’m sure is earlier than most – and we absolutely love decking out our home for the season.
So, as such, we thought it was only fitting for this last blog post before the holiday to give you an inside peek into our Christmas shindigs. Cozy up, grab some hot cocoa, and blare “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” because you know that’s what’s happening over here!