New Year, New You Series: Meditation + Oils
Happy New Year, my friend!
I’m so happy that you’ve found your way back to The Blissful Mom Blog. Welcome back!
We’re continuing on our health + wellness journey to provide you the BEST information around.
So, let’s go ahead and dive right in!
This week, we’re focusing on our five senses, meditation, and how you can incorporate essential oils to score the ultimate relaxation.
FYI, we all need this, and you’re just where you need to be. Glad you’re here!
For this first week of content, I’m pumped that Amy Kaspar of Country Road 5280, certified yoga instructor, and super sweet friend will be walking us through the many health benefits of meditating and using essential oils.
Did you watch it?! What did you think?! If you took the time to watch it, I have a really good feeling that your stress levels have reduced, and you’re feeling much better about your day. Seriously, watch it now!
So, Amy also mentions that essential oils are a fantastic way to continue reaping the benefits of meditation all day long.
And I could not agree more!
Unfortunately, not all essential oils are created equally. There’s plenty of junk and tons of gimmicks out there. Don’t fall into that trap, my friends!
By using 100% pure, real essential oils from a reputable source while practicing stress-relieving activities and incorporating meditation into your day can provide ultimate healing, restoration, and stress relief.
Yes, please—sign me up for ALL of that!
Like meditation, the world of essential oils can be intimidating. But, it really doesn’t need to be. Here are a few quick steps to get started:
- Learn about essential oils from someone you know and trust.
- Purchase oils from a trusted source. (If you’ve been here longer than a minute, I hope that’s me!)
- Get the oils at the best deal – here are some freebies offered this month that can save you BIG time!
So, what are you waiting for?! Get into a Zen state of mind, relax, and pop open those oils, my friend—you’re about to have a wonderful, relaxing (and productive!) day ahead!
Missed some of our earlier content? Not to fret! Catch the full lineup of the New Year, New You series seen first here on the Blissful Mom Blog.
Wishing you all the best until next time! (That's next week, by the way. See you then!)
Love, Joy + Oils Always,
Megan | Member ID: 10489847