Do you ever catch yourself saying this to yourself over and over again throughout the day?
I catch myself saying it almost ALL THE TIME.
But why? Why do I question myself at every turn? Question every step I take?
Put a stop to the negative self-talk. It is not serving you, and it is NOT building you up. Get this—an article from Psychology Today from a couple of years ago states:
According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day.
Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before.
What?! This is out of control. Eighty percent of your thoughts are negative?! I don’t know about you, but I can’t live that way. NO!
Know better. Choose better. Enough is enough, my friend! You can start today. Like, right now! Right here.
Press the easy button to know better and choose better today. There’s nothing holding you back, other than saying YES.
This is your 20 minute guide to living healthier, happier today.
I know what you’re thinking—is this just another pyramid scheme? Is this just a one-off “miracle fix?” NO! No, no, no. I’m not about that, and I’m certainly not transforming lives with one simple fix. Not happening!
That’s the thing. If you do one push up, you’re not now automatically healthy and fit. The same concept comes with my strategy to help you achieve a life of health, wealth, and abundance.
It’s a lifestyle change. It’s a mindset change. Let’s do it together. NOW!
I guarantee you can carve out 20 minutes in your day. If you’re in need of a push, I’ll push. Looking for a cheerleader? I’m rooting for you. Looking for a real-life easy button? PUSH IT NOW.
What’s holding you back? There’s no better time to invest in yourself, your health, your wellness, and your future abundance.
Get going today! I’m here to help.

How do you feel about your personal finances?
Are you well on your way to balling like Mark Cuban from Shark Tank, or are you rocking your jammies on the couch while eating your 2nd serving of Ramen Noodles for the day? (No judgment here—we’ve all been there!)
But, there is a better way to live. And I’m not talking about just surviving, but thriving!
Have you ever dreamed of living healthy and abundantly? This is my mission for myself, my family, and everyone I meet. I know this is achievable with just a few simple swaps and conscious decisions each day.
Will some of it be hard? Sure! What’s worth having that isn’t a little challenging? But, I’m here for you each step of the way, and I believe that you, too, can and WILL achieve a life of health, wealth, + abundance—all while staying within budget.
So, ready to roll? I am running a totally free 3-day challenge in my health and wellness Facebook community. No tricks, no gimmicks, just a budget-friendly, living well challenge to get you, your health, and your finances on track to achieve a life of health, wealth + abundance.
Today’s task? It’s simple. Take just 5-10 minutes and jot down your responses to the following questions.
Step 1.
Really take some time to think through what it means to you to be healthy and well. Is it eating better, eliminating sugar, exercising more, being more mindful, or something else? It can be one of these, all of them, or something else entirely—YOU decide. Write it down! And if you’re an accountability kind of pal, send it my way. I’d love to hear from you!
Step 2.
What does it LOOK like for you to live healthy + well while on a budget? Does that mean that you buy healthy items in bulk and split with a friend? Do you DIY clean and natural household products to save money? Do you workout at home vs. paying for a gym membership? Really think through each element of this and—you guessed it—write it down! Again, send this my way. It would be great to hear your thoughts!
Wishing you health, wealth, + abundance always!