Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

Living a Minimalist Lifestyle
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons 

It’s not uncommon that your physical space is an extension of how you operate in the real world. Living with minimalism in mind can give you the chance to live with less stress and help you focus on current tasks! Once you experience the life of a minimalist, you’ll have more time for yourself outside of your possessions. This article will give some reasons and tips to living minimally and might just make you fall in love with owning less!

Rugs on Carpet: Major Faux Pas or Total Home Upgrade?

Rugs on Carpet: Major Faux Pas or Total Home Upgrade?
The answer to this, and how to select the perfect rug for your space is revealed today on the blog. Read on!

Whether you're looking for the right style, the right level of plushness, or you're hoping to score a deal as not to break the bank, rugs can easily become foe instead of friend.

Our Process Explained in 5 Simple Steps

Our Process Explained in 5 Simple Steps
In a nutshell … Nest with the Nelsons provides accessible luxury interior design to hard-working professionals through a personalized, full-service, virtual approach.

Ready to dive in? We've got you covered! Follow these quick steps + we'll be all set to transform your home.

In Honor of the Most Productive Day of the Week ...

In Honor of the Most Productive Day of the Week ...
Tuesdays are considered the most productive day of the week, according to And, I’ve got to say, I completely agree – I have the most wins on Tuesdays with our business, moving the needle on current design projects, and with to dos around the house, too.

As such, on this Tuesday, it only seemed fitting to provide an update on all that is happening with our growing interior design business. Ready for it? Here’s a quick hit list to keep you in the loop.

5 Steps to Feng Shui Your Home

5 Steps to Feng Shui Your Home
We’ve all been there: the room could be the cleanest it’s ever been, but something is still off. You love your furniture, you hand picked the décor, but there’s something not quite clicking. It’s a frustrating process trying to figure out what you could do to make the room better. Hint: buying more throw pillows will not solve this problem, trust me. So, introducing Feng Shui, the Chinese art of moving objects into a space that will create the most balance within the room.
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