Year in Review: Good Bye, 2022
By: Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder, Nest with the Nelsons
Happy New Year!!
As we reflect on 2022, we wanted to say a HUGE “THANK YOU!” to all of our family, friends, and supporters. You all have been instrumental in our success, our growth, and what we love doing most – designing beautiful spaces for you to love!
Christmas Home Tour at the Nelsons
By: Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder, Nest with the Nelsons
In the Nelson home, we LOVE Christmas! We’ve had a countdown to Christmas going for at least 365 days now, we start blasting Christmas music as soon as it’s considered appropriate – which I’m sure is earlier than most – and we absolutely love decking out our home for the season.
So, as such, we thought it was only fitting for this last blog post before the holiday to give you an inside peek into our Christmas shindigs. Cozy up, grab some hot cocoa, and blare “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” because you know that’s what’s happening over here!
How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree Like a Pro
Do you have a countdown to Christmas going yet? In case you're wondering, it's just 19 days until the big day -- WOAH! But, no need to panic. I'm here to help!
I’ve been told more than a time or two that my Christmas trees are a bit dreamy, and they could be featured in a magazine. (The highest compliment a designer could get this time of year!!) So, if you’re looking for that swoon-worthy Christmas tree how-to, we’ve got you covered.
Cozy up by the fire, grab some hot cocoa, and be ready to score all the tips on how to decorate your Christmas tree like a pro this season. We can’t wait to see how your holidays are transformed by setting the intentions of your space with a HUGE impact—a stunning Christmas tree!
You Definitely Want to Read This
I know you’re busy, so I’ll make this quick. But first, I wanted to say THANK YOU! Thank you for your continued love and support of our small, but mighty business. We continue to grow each day, and make strides toward improving our processes – all while providing an unforgettable luxury design experience for our clients.
As we round out 2022, and prepare for an exciting new year ahead, I wanted to be sure to share some big changes coming to Nest with the Nelsons. Read on to know what you can expect in 2023 ...