How do you get everything done in a day?
I'm asked ALL the time how I fit everything in during the day. From the kids' hectic schedules to working for the University, to running my own business ... and managing everything in the house--how are there enough hours in the day?!
Honestly, there aren't. There are simply not enough hours to get it all done. I oftentimes pull really late nights and then turn around and wake up super early the next morning because there is ALWAYS more that needs to get done.
Now, for some--this could be a major downer. Too many things to do, never enough time to do them all.
But, instead, I look inward. I reflect. And I show gratitude. Because all this hard work has gotten me and my family to where we are today.
Pulling these crazy hours allows us to be at home with one another. For me to see my kids grow up. To be able to attend the classroom party or school event. To grab coffee with a girlfriend in the middle of the day. To grow a business I love. And to be able to help others create the healthy, happy home of their dreams.
Is it worth it? 1,000 times over.
I love my life more now than I ever have--despite the crazy nature of scheduling everything down to the nanosecond.
Are you loving where you're at these days? If not, I really encourage you to look inward. Not what the world thinks you should do, or expects you to do. But reflect on what really matters.
When you do, I think you'll be really surprised by the beauty of your life that is revealed.
If you're in need of getting into this state of mind, this is what I use to help. And, it works every single time.
Try it out, and let me know what you think.
I can't wait to hear from you and how your world has transformed to be beautifully new.
Ready to change your life? I'm here to help!
Wishing you all the best on your healthy home journey,
Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder
Oil Up Omaha