- Learn about essential oils from someone you know and trust.
- Purchase oils from a trusted source. (If you’ve been here longer than a minute, I hope that’s me!)
- Get the oils at the best deal – here are some freebies offered this month that can save you BIG time!

p.s. ready to learn more? your free resource awaits!

- Monday, December 28, 2020: We’ll feature some common yoga poses and breakdown exactly how to rock them with the Yogi herself, Amy Kaspar, of Country Road 5280. I’ll also share how to use essential oils while practicing yoga.
- Monday, January 4, 2021: Amy and I will share our best tips for practicing meditation with essential oils.
- Monday, January 11, 2021: With a New Year, comes a new fresh start with less waste. Stay tuned for how to up your sustainability game.
- Wednesday, January 13, 2021: Tune in for a live interview session with Dr. Morgan Nolte, Physical Therapist and owner of Weight Loss for Health on how to set healthy (and realistic!) weight loss goals in the New Year.
- Monday, January 18, 2021: Ready to make your New Year’s resolutions a reality? We’ll be chatting about how to save time and accomplish those goals—all while reducing your stress, and striking a yoga pose with our resident yoga specialist, Amy.

Happy Friday, my friend!!
I don’t know about you, but I always thoroughly look forward to the weekend ahead. Not because I dislike my job, or even my routine. Instead, it’s because I know that’s the time I can actually unplug from email, from social media, and I get to soak up good quality time with my sweet kiddos and my handsome hubby.
Whether you’re already thinking it’s 5 o’clock somewhere, or you still have a mountain of emails (and laundry!) to get through, I think we can all agree that it has been one heck of a year! I know many of you have asked what products we're using to not just survive but THRIVE through the seasons ahead.
You have been heard, and I’m delivering! Your Fall + Winter 2020 Must-Haves are HERE!
Our family’s must-have hit list of the top health + wellness products, (and exactly how we use them!) is launching right now in my health + wellness group on Facebook.
Once you’re in, just check out the Bonus Trainings under the Units section. You’ll find it in the Fall + Winter 2020 Must-Haves unit.
The content is ready and waiting for you to help boost your immune system, up your personal health + wellness game, as well as help eliminate toxins from your home. All crucial elements to THRIVE, not just survive, as we move into the unpredictable seasons ahead!
Check out all the content and send me a message. I’d love to know which products you’re most excited about exploring?!
P.S. Did you know that one of my (many!) services is to help YOU and your family design a health + wellness plan that is specifically designed for you + your budget? It’s true, and it’s totally free when you work with me! Send me an email or shoot me a message.
I’d love to work with you to THRIVE through the holiday seasons ahead!
P.P.S. These are the exact steps I followed to snag my very first Health + Wellness box. You need this, too!