Refresh Your Home Without Buying Anything New
By: Alicia Hall, intern, Nest with the Nelsons
Designing a home with a budget in mind will not only contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle, but will bring more purpose to what you already have. Being more intentional with design can be as meaningful as prioritizing naturally sourced products to take care of an environment that nurtures you in return. Breaking the cycle of being a rapid consumer can be achieved with a few tricks of interior arrangement! So, what are you waiting for? Find the creative designer in you by upscaling your home by simply living a more intentional lifestyle.
6 Places You Should Declutter Daily
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
Holding off until mess piles up can be physically demanding! Not only is it a drag when cleaning day comes along, but constantly being around mess is stressful. Cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress, can quickly rise when clutter accumulates. Decluttering daily is so important to maintain a stress-free lifestyle by restraining the chaos and keeping life in order. Remember, open, blank space is beautiful! It makes a space functional, organized, and aesthetically pleasing. Clearing smaller messes will make large differences because a mess that goes on for weeks will only become more daunting. Stick around to learn which spaces can reap big benefits from daily decluttering.
Fun, Fine + Functional Fitness at Home
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
Let’s be honest, hitting the gym consistently can be difficult at times – impossible even. When you’re in a time crunch to meet all of life's demands, it can be a challenge to prioritize physical activity. However, having a fitness friendly living space at your own convenience can help you achieve your fitness goals easily! A home setup is a feasible way to get your exercise on without the expense of a gym membership. It’ll encourage you to prioritize your physical and mental well being! Staying active improves brain function, heart health, quality of sleep, immunity and physical strength. It not only maintains physical health, but has physiological benefits that can help release feelings of stress and anxiety. This article will provide a few tips on how you can stay active from the convenience of your home, all while looking good and enjoying your space while you’re at it
Pressure's On: What's Your Home Saying About You?
By: Alicia Hall, Strategic Communications Intern for Nest with the Nelsons
There are SO many factors to consider before running through your budget, but having a goal and sticking to it can make a space feel more cohesive! Hanging art suitable to a theme of interest will turn bare walls into walls with character. An accent wall can give your room flair and pull together color schemes. This article is a guide that will provide insight and tips on how to personalize, innovate, and truly love your newly decorated home!
Holiday Hosting Essentials
Newsflash! The way your home looks matters. Not just to your aunt Sally or your mother-in-law. No, it matters to YOU, too! The way your home looks is a testament to the way you feel about yourself, the pride you take in your home, and the beauty of your home can even elevate our mood.
So, as we approach the hectic nature of the holidays, let’s refresh your space to make the best of the holiday hosting ahead! Let’s start with the main event …