The Psychology of Interior Design
There’s more to that paint color and that patterned pillow than meets the eye. Your brain is majorly at work here, too!
We’ve discussed Feng Shui and how much it can affect your mindset at home. Now we want to talk about the psychology of colors, textures, patterns, and even smaller décor like live plants versus fake plants. When you understand how you react to certain colors, the design process becomes that much easier to navigate. Everyone is different, so this isn’t a one size fits all mold. Our goal is to make you aware of how you can use certain colors to create a living space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. If you’re going to spend your hard-earned money, you might as well reap the rewards.
Is it an Office, a Guest Room, or a Workout Room--Oh My!
OK friends, it’s time to make the most of your money and your space. Let’s say there’s a room in the house that you have multiple ideas for: an office, a guest room, a workout room, you name it. While you’d love to just finally make the call, you’re ultimately worried about making the wrong decision. You’d love a workout room, but what if you’d use an office more? And after spending all that money, there’s no time for wrong decisions.
Hello, Closet Renovation
Just for a second, let’s imagine your dream closet. What does it look like? What does it feel like as you walk in? A dream, right? It’s time to make that dream a reality. We all know the closet is no small feat. This project requires time and patience, but once it is completed, you truly reap the rewards! The ability to walk into your closet and not be consumed by stress is at the top of all our lists. The best way to redo your closet is to clean it. To organize what you have; you must at least know what you have. Just a warning – that sweater that you’re keeping around “just in case,” may see the end of its road.
Furnishing Your Rental Property: A Guide for Landlords
Furnished rentals net 15% to 20% higher rents than unfurnished properties. Furnishing your rental property also opens the door to short-term and month-to-month rentals that increase rental income even further. Yet as a landlord, furnishing your rental property is intimidating. What type of décor appeals to renters and how can you avoid excessive wear and tear on rental furnishings? From Nest with the Nelsons, here’s what to know before furnishing your rental property.
Why You Should Work with an Interior Designer
In the beginning or even halfway through a redesign project, the lingering thought of “should I have asked for backup?” always creeps in. I’ll be the first to say that backup is never a bad idea. If you’re committed to a project and willing to put your trust in a professional, interior designers will make sure you come out on top. Obviously, we know they will help the room look better, but what are the specific reasons to lean on an interior designer? Look no further, below we have some great reasons for you to reach out and finally finish that room you’ve been wanting to redesign.