What if ...

What if ...

Do you ever catch yourself saying this to yourself over and over again throughout the day?


I catch myself saying it almost ALL THE TIME.


But why? Why do I question myself at every turn? Question every step I take?


Put a stop to the negative self-talk. It is not serving you, and it is NOT building you up. Get this—an article from Psychology Today from a couple of years ago states: 

  • According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. 

  • Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. 

What?! This is out of control. Eighty percent of your thoughts are negative?! I don’t know about you, but I can’t live that way. NO!


Know better. Choose better. Enough is enough, my friend! You can start today. Like, right now! Right here.


Press the easy button to know better and choose better today. There’s nothing holding you back, other than saying YES.


This is your 20 minute guide to living healthier, happier today.


I know what you’re thinking—is this just another pyramid scheme? Is this just a one-off “miracle fix?” NO! No, no, no. I’m not about that, and I’m certainly not transforming lives with one simple fix. Not happening!


That’s the thing. If you do one push up, you’re not now automatically healthy and fit. The same concept comes with my strategy to help you achieve a life of health, wealth, and abundance.


It’s a lifestyle change. It’s a mindset change. Let’s do it together. NOW!


I guarantee you can carve out 20 minutes in your day. If you’re in need of a push, I’ll push. Looking for a cheerleader? I’m rooting for you. Looking for a real-life easy button? PUSH IT NOW.


What’s holding you back? There’s no better time to invest in yourself, your health, your wellness, and your future abundance.


Get going today! I’m here to help.

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Let's Start with Your Heart ...

Let's Start with Your Heart ...

My faith has always been something I have fought for. 


Even from a young age, my faith has been a cornerstone in my life that has helped me make difficult decisions, guided me through the good times + the bad, + shaped me into the person I am today—a strong + compassionate mama looking to make a mark on the world by helping people just like you choose better + live more healthy, vibrant, + fulfilling lives. 


I'm thrilled to announce that a sweet friend of mine, Chelsea Bailey + I will be offering Heart Workshop, combining the power of essential oils + scripture. 🙌❤️🙏

Chelsea will be sharing her love + passion for Jesus + the scripture as she leads us through her 5-day Heart Workshop bible study. I’ll be pairing this goodness with tips of using essential oils to help you find a place of grounding + peace along the way.


Chelsea + I will be going live in my private Facebook group every morning the week of September 14-18 at 9:00 AM CST.

This workshop is free + open to anyone who desires to grow spiritually + learn about oils.

If this isn't for you, no worries!

We’re so looking forward to teaming up + offering this exclusive + totally free Heart Workshop for you. Feel free to invite friends, grab some coffee, + join us virtually September 14. I have a good feeling this is an event you simply can’t resist! 

In case you need it once more, here’s the link to register.

We can’t wait to see you live in my private Facebook group September 14! 


Love + Oils Always, 


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Stop the Hamster Wheel of Chaos. Get Healthy NOW!

Stop the Hamster Wheel of Chaos. Get Healthy NOW!
Do you ever feel like this? You're on an unending, out of control ride, that you simply can't get off of? You can't stop it. It just keeps going, going, going ... 

I think we've all been there, but the last couple of months have amplified this feeling 1,000 times over. Am I right?! 

I came across some startling stats the other day that I just can't help but share. American's behavior has changed drastically over the past couple of months. And I'm sure you can guess, the behaviors are not great. In fact, they are downright destructive. 

Are you falling prey to any of these behaviors lately? I know we have definitely felt the negative effects of these bad habits in our home, too: 

Can you relate to any of this? Don't feel bad--I think we can ALL relate. But what can you do about it?

The good news? YOU have control. You can change things around, and I have something that can help ... LIKE TODAY!

Let's chat! I have a totally free 14-Day challenge happening right HERE in my members-only group to reinvigorate good, healthy habits, and help you kick those 1,000 trips to the kitchen. Hurry--the challenge starts SOON!!!!

Cheers to better, more positive health + wellness choices ahead!

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How Clean is Your Home Really?

How Clean is Your Home Really?

How clean is your home? Have you ever really thought about this? Have you heard that the air inside our homes is often more toxic than the air outside? 😳

What people don't realize is how GROSS our homes are from the toxins we track in. If your shoes set foot in your home, 90-99% of the bacteria from your shoes is tracked into your home. That then means that you, your kids, and your pets walk on the floor and actually absorb that same bacteria into YOUR BODIES! UGHHHH!

I don't know about you, but I don't need ANY help picking up germs, bacteria, diseases, or anything else into our home. I have a toddler for that!

Do you need any more toxins in your home?! Didn't think so!

When you're ready for some support in making your home more healthy, safe + clean for every member of your house, I've got just the thing that does the trick EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 

Did I mention that when you get your health + wellness products from Oil Up Omaha, you get some major perks, too?! OH YES!!!

Here are just a few of the (oh so many!) perks when shopping with our trusted Oil Up Omaha team: 
  • Offers to exclusive trainings + members-only content
  • Step-by-step guides on just how to use products to the fullest
  • Support and how-tos every step of the way
So, what's holding you back? Let's get your home, your family, and your life stocked full of all the health + wellness goodies you need to stay above the wellness line as we transition back to our routines and the daily grind. 

We're always here for you! Send Megan a note today with any questions at oilupomaha@gmail.com. We can't wait to hear from you!! 

Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder

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