Follow these 5 easy hacks to earn that precious time of yours back TODAY!
As a busy mama of two kiddos five and under, a part-time communications gig, teaching college classes, and facilitating professional programs online, all while managing a hectic household, I need all the time-saving hacks I can get my hands on!
We all need more time in the day.
But how do we make that a reality? From the hecticness of life right now to the lines of work and homelife blurring now more than ever, striking a work-life balance has never been a more delicate dance.
Is there anything we can do to change it?
You bet there is, sister! I’ve used these 5 simple hacks to save time, save money, and ultimately enjoy my days from home more fully with the kids.
Want to know my secrets? Keep reading! These are easy hacks to start implementing today to totally win your day—day after day, week after week! You’ve got this!!
No. 1: Plan it Out
It sounds so simple, right? But how many of us have started off the week (again!) without a real plan or direction? We’re all guilty of it! Now more than ever, creating a plan, mapping out how we would like to spend our time, and actually committing to it can make all the difference.
*Pro Tip: One of my all-time favorite hacks is time blocking. It’s simple, but crazy effective.
No. 2: Stay Focused
Keep that time blocking calendar close, and in a visible spot. Stick to it. If social media or your phone are constant distractions, close that window on your browser, and put your phone on silent. Minimize the distractions, and work like a madwoman to accomplish all you can during your blocked time.
*Pro Tip: I love using this little number to minimize distractions around me, and keep crystal clear on the task at hand. It helps get my mind ready to work and conquer the day EVERY TIME.
No. 3: Find a Brand You Trust
I know what you’re thinking. What does this have to do with saving time? Trust me. It means everything! When you find your favorite pair of jeans or your new favorite boutique, you go back for more, time after time. Right? The guesswork, the time to find that brand, try out those cute new jeans, the fit, the price, it all takes time—lots of it! When we find a brand or a store we know, love, + trust, and we keep going back for more, and we have more time on our side.
No. 4: Shop Online
Did you know you actually save money when shopping online? Yup! How many of us have spent $20, $50, maybe even $100 more when we get caught in the irresistible aisles of the Target dollar section? I’m guilty of this so many times over! But when we shop online, especially with a list in hand, we save SO much money by simply not even seeing those extra cute goodies. We also save our precious time!
*Pro Tip: Make a list and stick to it while shopping online. If you need to, set a time limit for how long you browse a particular site so you’re not scrolling your days away shopping online.
No. 5: DIY It
I’ve certainly not always been a DIY’er. In fact, I used to think (not long ago!) that DIY’ing took far longer than simply buying the product ready to use and enjoy. But now I know, with many household projects, this is simply not the case.
From crafting our own hand soap, to whipping up our own laundry detergent, daily fragrance, or multi-purpose cleaner, I’m able to save plenty of hours back in my day. Just a couple simple, natural, and effective products at my fingertips go a long way. This is the kit that I can’t be without to tackle so many of my DIY projects at home. No more scouring the aisles of Target or Walmart for hours on end.
*Pro Tip: Get organized! There are a handful of DIY recipes that our family uses over and over again. They have simplified our life, our routine, and ultimately provided us more time in the day to really relax and enjoy with one another.
Which of these time-saving tips will you be implementing today? I would love to hear from you! How are you saving time (and money!) these days?

Self-care is a term that we hear all the time. But one that is commonly misunderstood.
When reviewing a recent poll, 1/3 of people asked, said that self-care was something only people with an abundance of money could partake in. Another finding revealed that nearly half of adults believe they do not have time for self-care.
Do you have any of these same beliefs?
Ironically, science totally busts these myths. When we are completely deprived and our own cups are not filled, we are not able to take care of others efficiently, and certainly cannot care for ourselves. But, if we take even minutes a day to work on our self-care, it can make a world of difference.
Better yet? You can even improve your productivity! “People that look after themselves [and practice self-care] do have better cognitive ability. They do have better focus and they do have better concentration,” Dr. Russell Thackeray, a licensed clinical psychologist who consults on the topic of productivity. “They tend to actually produce more.”
So, what can you do today to make self-care a priority?
Self-care looks different for each person. Maybe your self-care is reading a great book, taking a bubble bath, going on a peaceful walk, or treating yourself to a day at the spa. Whatever it is that fills you up, make the commitment to yourself to practice self-care each and every day.
You, your health, and your happiness all depend on it!
I’d love to hear from you! How are you implementing these self-care practices on the daily? My practice involves waking up at 5 AM, reading a great book, prayer, visualization, and doing a little yoga to kick-start my day.
Did you enjoy this article? You'll LOVE my guide: 20 Minutes to a Healthier, Happier YOU!

We’ve all been there, right? We woke up late, the kids are screaming, and we have 1 million things on our to-do list that we should have already completed. UGH! In my eyes, this is just about every mama’s daily routine. Amiright?
But I’ve got to be honest. This is no way to live … at least not live well. This is the epitome of the survival mode mama. I have been there too many times to count. But what if there was a different way …
What if we could wake up peacefully, on our own terms? What if we could have time to ease into the day while we sip a hot cup of coffee? What if we could get much of our to-do list accomplished before the kids even woke up? What if?
These single gal luxuries may seem like a thing of the past, but they can be yours again soon, mama! But only if you stop. Like right now—stop what you’re doing and press the easy button.
Follow these 3 easy steps to go from survival mess mode mama (I see you!) straight to the thriving abundantly mama. You’ve got this—just keep reading!
1. Press the easy button.
STOP running to every store on earth that is open right now to find toilet paper and all the other household necessities we need. Seriously--stop it!
So, what are you waiting for? Make the switch to healthy, natural, and effective products today. This is the secret to our family’s health, wellness, and happiness. You completely deserve this abundant lifestyle, too, mama.
Let’s connect! Let me help you go from survival mode mama to thriving abundantly today. You can do this, mama—and I’m here to help every step of the way!
I’d love to hear from you! Send me an email today.
Did you enjoy this article? You'll LOVE my guide: 20 Minutes to a Healthier, Happier YOU!

We’re all in need of some healthy living reminders these days. Right? But who has time to do a ton of research to be healthier? Not this busy mama!
No worries! We’ve taken the guesswork out for you and pressed the easy button. I’m happy to share that implementing these 5 simple steps have helped my family and I achieve healthier habits in just a few mindful minutes each day. Ready to dive in? Let's do it!
I’d love to hear from you! How are you implementing these 5 simple steps to living healthier today?
Did you enjoy this article? You'll LOVE my guide: 20 Minutes to a Healthier, Happier YOU!