Best Time Saving Hacks for Busy Women: Part 2

Best Time Saving Hacks for Busy Women: Part 2

Did you catch the first segment of my Best Time Saving Hacks for Busy Women earlier this week? If not, don’t miss it! You can find it right here.


To continue these great tips to maximize your time, while being a great and fully focused mama, keep reading. You’ll essentially be at Wonder Woman status once you’ve read and implemented these bad boys into your daily routine.


Say “no” more often

Yup—I’m totally guilty of not following this one myself, but it’s an absolute must to reaching your goals and sticking with them. You have my full permission—just say “NO!”


Listen to a podcast, inspirational video while exercising

This has been my jam lately. I always want to maximize my time. Listening to a podcast or watching a professional development video while I do some yoga or get in some cardio has been a motivator to do something good for myself while also expanding my mind—love it!


Get your groceries delivered 

Ugh, this one is just so easy. Just push that darn easy button already. You’ll save time, you’ll save money, and most importantly, you’ll save your sanity from taking small children into the grocery store. Because let’s be honest—that’s just nuts!


Shop online 

Same concept as getting those groceries delivered. Just shop online! You can get everything you need, oftentimes with free shipping, plus you only shop for what you actually need instead of being tempted by the dollar section at Target. We all know that is where our wallets go to die!


Batch home projects

This is a hint at the first rendition of this blog, the Best Time Saving Hacks for Busy Women: Part 1. Get that to do list out, determine what all of your home-related projects are. Maybe it’s cleaning out that pesky (and stinky!) mudroom, or finally donating those clothes you’ve been meaning to get rid of for years. Whatever it is, make a list of these projects, set a timer (20 or 30 minutes will do), and go to town! You’ll feel so glad when it’s done, and your house will be less cluttered, too. Win, win!

Got all these down? You go, mama! I’m rooting for you! And if you ever have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. Us mamas on a mission to live better, healthier, more abundant lives have GOT to stick together. I’m here for YOU!


Love, Joy + Oils Always,

Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder

Oil Up Omaha

Member ID: 10489847


P.S. Ready to learn more? Pop in my Facebook Community today! 

(Just fill out the questions for full access.)

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The only thing you need to read before your weekend begins!

The only thing you need to read before your weekend begins!

Happy Friday, my friend!!


I don’t know about you, but I always thoroughly look forward to the weekend ahead. Not because I dislike my job, or even my routine. Instead, it’s because I know that’s the time I can actually unplug from email, from social media, and I get to soak up good quality time with my sweet kiddos and my handsome hubby. 


Whether you’re already thinking it’s 5 o’clock somewhere, or you still have a mountain of emails (and laundry!) to get through, I think we can all agree that it has been one heck of a year! I know many of you have asked what products we're using to not just survive but THRIVE through the seasons ahead. 


You have been heard, and I’m delivering! Your Fall + Winter 2020 Must-Haves are HERE!


Our family’s must-have hit list of the top health + wellness products, (and exactly how we use them!) is launching right now in my health + wellness group on Facebook


Join the free group now!


Once you’re in, just check out the Bonus Trainings under the Units section. You’ll find it in the Fall + Winter 2020 Must-Haves unit. 


The content is ready and waiting for you to help boost your immune system, up your personal health + wellness game, as well as help eliminate toxins from your home. All crucial elements to THRIVE, not just survive, as we move into the unpredictable seasons ahead!  


Check out all the content and send me a message. I’d love to know which products you’re most excited about exploring?!


P.S. Did you know that one of my (many!) services is to help YOU and your family design a health + wellness plan that is specifically designed for you + your budget? It’s true, and it’s totally free when you work with me! Send me an email or shoot me a message.


I’d love to work with you to THRIVE through the holiday seasons ahead! 


P.P.S. These are the exact steps I followed to snag my very first Health + Wellness box. You need this, too!


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The 6 Key Habits You Can't Live Without

The 6 Key Habits You Can't Live Without
“How are YOU doing?” 

Not in Joey Tribbiani’s voice from Friends, but rather think of the question in a sweet and vivacious little girl’s voice. This is a question my 2-year old asks us each day. And, when she asks family and friends, “How are YOU doing?” we usually get the blanket response with a sweet smile, “We’re good. How are you?”

But let’s be real. How are you really? Between orders to stay at home, managing work remotely, and likely doing both simultaneously while at home with kids, things are on a new level of HECTIC.

What level of chaos are you experiencing these days? Our home usually ranges between a 5-7, on a scale of 1, where we’re dreaming of lollipops and unicorns, to a 10 where we’re all breathing fire.

But, I’ve got to be honest, I’m not an average kind of girl, and I don’t love it when our family is mediocrely at a 5-7 on the chaos scale. I would much rather us strive to be at a 2 or a 3, where things are great, everything in the house is mostly in order, we’re almost always on time. 

Let's be real: the craziest thing that could happen at a 2-3 on the chaos-o-meter is that we hit a speedbump at 15 mph instead of at 10 mph, and we’re in a touch of a rush to get out of the house. I can totally deal with that (and strive for it!).

But, what if your family is way over that ideal range of chaos for you? There are some ways you can change it, and I’m here to help.

Here are my Six Best Tips for Living your BEST Life, like RIGHT NOW!!

Are you ready? Let's do it!

#1 Morning routine is key, you guys! You've got to have one. ☀️☀️☀️

#2 exercise. 💪 Whatever this looks like to you, hitting the gym or doing some light yoga, get it in!

#3 Read and grow! 📚 Whether you are reading a great book or listening to your favorite podcast, whatever it is, make time for it!

#4 Eat well. 🥗 We've got to nourish our bodies and fully hydrate our bodies for them to work optimally for us. Put the M&Ms down!

Yes, you read that correctly--there are 6 essential tips for living your best life today.

The last two tips to living your best life now are available in my health and wellness group here.

✅ Don't miss them! This is all you need to have the best day ever, and officially get that chaos at a manageable level TODAY!! 🎉🎉🎉

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What if ...

What if ...

Do you ever catch yourself saying this to yourself over and over again throughout the day?


I catch myself saying it almost ALL THE TIME.


But why? Why do I question myself at every turn? Question every step I take?


Put a stop to the negative self-talk. It is not serving you, and it is NOT building you up. Get this—an article from Psychology Today from a couple of years ago states: 

  • According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. 

  • Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. 

What?! This is out of control. Eighty percent of your thoughts are negative?! I don’t know about you, but I can’t live that way. NO!


Know better. Choose better. Enough is enough, my friend! You can start today. Like, right now! Right here.


Press the easy button to know better and choose better today. There’s nothing holding you back, other than saying YES.


This is your 20 minute guide to living healthier, happier today.


I know what you’re thinking—is this just another pyramid scheme? Is this just a one-off “miracle fix?” NO! No, no, no. I’m not about that, and I’m certainly not transforming lives with one simple fix. Not happening!


That’s the thing. If you do one push up, you’re not now automatically healthy and fit. The same concept comes with my strategy to help you achieve a life of health, wealth, and abundance.


It’s a lifestyle change. It’s a mindset change. Let’s do it together. NOW!


I guarantee you can carve out 20 minutes in your day. If you’re in need of a push, I’ll push. Looking for a cheerleader? I’m rooting for you. Looking for a real-life easy button? PUSH IT NOW.


What’s holding you back? There’s no better time to invest in yourself, your health, your wellness, and your future abundance.


Get going today! I’m here to help.

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Stop the Hamster Wheel of Chaos. Get Healthy NOW!

Stop the Hamster Wheel of Chaos. Get Healthy NOW!
Do you ever feel like this? You're on an unending, out of control ride, that you simply can't get off of? You can't stop it. It just keeps going, going, going ... 

I think we've all been there, but the last couple of months have amplified this feeling 1,000 times over. Am I right?! 

I came across some startling stats the other day that I just can't help but share. American's behavior has changed drastically over the past couple of months. And I'm sure you can guess, the behaviors are not great. In fact, they are downright destructive. 

Are you falling prey to any of these behaviors lately? I know we have definitely felt the negative effects of these bad habits in our home, too: 

Can you relate to any of this? Don't feel bad--I think we can ALL relate. But what can you do about it?

The good news? YOU have control. You can change things around, and I have something that can help ... LIKE TODAY!

Let's chat! I have a totally free 14-Day challenge happening right HERE in my members-only group to reinvigorate good, healthy habits, and help you kick those 1,000 trips to the kitchen. Hurry--the challenge starts SOON!!!!

Cheers to better, more positive health + wellness choices ahead!

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