25 Drops to a New You

25 Drops to a New You
Hey you! Yes, YOU!!! 

Have you heard of the 25-drop a day challenge? If not, you really should. It could change your life.
What’s she talking about … drops of water, eye drops, GUM DROPS?!!
If you have been around here for more than a minute, you know I’m referring to drops of essential oils!
Not any essential oils, though. Real, 100% pure essential oils. And NOT that junk that you have seen while strolling the aisles of the grocery store.
Save yourself some time, some money, and your health, and get in on daily essential oil use. It makes all the difference to becoming the best, most healthy version of yourself.
So, what’s that 25-drop challenge? The idea is that you commit to using at least 25 drops of essential oil per day to start working toward better health and wellness habits.
What does this look like exactly? 
That may mean that you start off slow, easy, and with something you’re comfortable with. Such as adding 8-10 drops of essential oil to your diffuser, 3 different times throughout the day. News flash: Filling up one of Young Living’s Diffusers 3 times throughout the day will get you benefits ALL DAY LONG.
Need some more ideas?
Other ways to experience the 25-drop challenge is to apply oils topically to areas of your body that are needing more support. Think head tension, a sore neck, or after a workout. Applying oils topically is a fantastic way to experience essential oils. Oils also make fantastic additions to your face care routine, your lotion, and your body wash. But, it’s important to only use the good stuff. Hello, Young Living!
One last way to crush that 25-drop daily challenge?
One of my personal favorite ways to experience oils (that is ONLY recommended with Young Living Essential Oils Vitality line) is to spice things up by adding them to your favorite coffee or tea, splashing in some Lemon and Basil to zest up your pasta dish, or add Peppermint to your decadent desserts. There are SO many ways to experience oils and score their unbelievable benefits, too.
What do I mean by benefits? 
Energized and improved immune benefits. Mood-boosting benefits. Did I mention it smells divine, too? And it’s about a billion times better than those candles you used to burn this time of year.
My friend, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The benefits of using oils by diffusing, applying them topically, and ingesting them (remember, Young Living’s vitality line, only!), are unmatched.
So … ready to dive into your very own 25-drop challenge? Let’s do it together!
There’s never been a better time to invest in your health and wellness. Let’s get to it!

I'm ready and more motivated than ever to help you not only change but TRANSFORM your life. Let's GO! 

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Stop the Hamster Wheel of Chaos. Get Healthy NOW!

Stop the Hamster Wheel of Chaos. Get Healthy NOW!
Do you ever feel like this? You're on an unending, out of control ride, that you simply can't get off of? You can't stop it. It just keeps going, going, going ... 

I think we've all been there, but the last couple of months have amplified this feeling 1,000 times over. Am I right?! 

I came across some startling stats the other day that I just can't help but share. American's behavior has changed drastically over the past couple of months. And I'm sure you can guess, the behaviors are not great. In fact, they are downright destructive. 

Are you falling prey to any of these behaviors lately? I know we have definitely felt the negative effects of these bad habits in our home, too: 

Can you relate to any of this? Don't feel bad--I think we can ALL relate. But what can you do about it?

The good news? YOU have control. You can change things around, and I have something that can help ... LIKE TODAY!

Let's chat! I have a totally free 14-Day challenge happening right HERE in my members-only group to reinvigorate good, healthy habits, and help you kick those 1,000 trips to the kitchen. Hurry--the challenge starts SOON!!!!

Cheers to better, more positive health + wellness choices ahead!

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How Clean is Your Home Really?

How Clean is Your Home Really?

How clean is your home? Have you ever really thought about this? Have you heard that the air inside our homes is often more toxic than the air outside? 😳

What people don't realize is how GROSS our homes are from the toxins we track in. If your shoes set foot in your home, 90-99% of the bacteria from your shoes is tracked into your home. That then means that you, your kids, and your pets walk on the floor and actually absorb that same bacteria into YOUR BODIES! UGHHHH!

I don't know about you, but I don't need ANY help picking up germs, bacteria, diseases, or anything else into our home. I have a toddler for that!

Do you need any more toxins in your home?! Didn't think so!

When you're ready for some support in making your home more healthy, safe + clean for every member of your house, I've got just the thing that does the trick EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 

Did I mention that when you get your health + wellness products from Oil Up Omaha, you get some major perks, too?! OH YES!!!

Here are just a few of the (oh so many!) perks when shopping with our trusted Oil Up Omaha team: 
  • Offers to exclusive trainings + members-only content
  • Step-by-step guides on just how to use products to the fullest
  • Support and how-tos every step of the way
So, what's holding you back? Let's get your home, your family, and your life stocked full of all the health + wellness goodies you need to stay above the wellness line as we transition back to our routines and the daily grind. 

We're always here for you! Send Megan a note today with any questions at oilupomaha@gmail.com. We can't wait to hear from you!! 

Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder

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I just can't hide it any longer ...

I just can't hide it any longer ...
Seriously--I just can't hide it any longer! 

When you have a good thing going, you've got to keep it going. When something so easy makes you feel refreshed, energized, and just plain GOOD, you can't keep it to yourself. 

And what good is it really if you don't share the good stuff with your family and friends? (That's you, by the way!)

That's exactly how I feel about this little citrus delight I've been taking with me on the go these days. Did I mention it helps boost my cognitive ability, too? This stuff is GOOD, and it's simply just too good NOT to share. 

I love how something so simple, so cost-effective, so easy (and yummy!), has totally transformed my mornings, my afternoons, my stress ... and my productivity levels. 

This is a MAJOR SLAM DUNK for this busy mama on the go! 

Gotta know more? I would love for you to join our upcoming challenge! For my oily team, this is a challenge that is totally FREE!!! 

For folks who are not on the Oil Up Omaha team (yet!), this 14-day transformation to change your daily routine, and your life is just $37. YES, just $37!! And it's totally worth it!

But hurry--the challenge is filling up quickly, and the last day to register is Saturday, August 15! This is a challenge you simply can't afford to miss!! Send me a note at oilupomaha@gmail.com to get on the waitlist for the challenge. 

I can't wait to help you totally transform your health, your wellness, and your daily routine. You deserve this, and I'm so inspired to walk (or run!) alongside you to make your goals a reality!

Sending you all the positive vibes the internet and social media can conjure up these days. I am so unbelievably excited to work with YOU!

Megan Nelson, Owner + Founder, Oil Up Omaha
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Kick the bad habits. Get healthy. Just read this! (2 min)

Kick the bad habits. Get healthy. Just read this! (2 min)

I have not always been on a health and wellness journey. Oh no! I started at a very low place. 


When I was in college, I was very much in survival mode. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I suppose most of us were in those days, but my journey was especially harmful and toxic to my health. 😫😫😫

I made terrible food decisions, drank ALL the sugary coffee I could get my hands on, and had no healthy habits in place whatsoever. I was running after my collegiate goals, getting great grades, and involved in everything under the sun, but my health was a complete mess! ☠️❌♨️


I was a total mess mentally, emotionally, and physically, too. To be honest, it was just completely exhausting. And, I felt terrible (and didn't look so great, either!). 


Can you relate?

Fast forward to today and my health and wellness goals are my ultimate mission. Because if we don't have our health and our wellness, what do we really have? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know I need to set out and be a positive role model for my children, my husband, and our entire family.


I share this today because I want to let all of you know that everyone has different starting points. I would say that my starting point was pretty low. I still have a long way to go to achieve my ultimate health and wellness goals but I'm certainly on the right track. 🎉 


I would love to help you get back on track, too! I have the perfect thing to jump-start your journey to feeling (and looking!) your best.


Let's do it together through my Ningxia Red Challenge starting soon!! 💪❤️🙌 

No clue what I'm talking about? Catch all the Ningxia Red goodness here. And send your questions my way. I want to help you crush your health and wellness goals. I know we can do it together!


I’d love to help plug you into this FREE challenge! Simply zip me an email at oilupomaha@gmail.com, and I'll get you all hooked up. Hurry--spots are limited + we're rocking and rolling SOON!


I can’t wait for you to join us. This is going to change your life for the better. 


Talk soon, my oily friends! 


Love, Joy + Oils Always,

Megan | Member ID: 10489847

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